100 Hour Ashtanga Yoga
Primary Series Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course – Syllabus
Course Pre-requisites:- 100hrs Ashtanga Yoga Primary TTC
Course Material provided with the program:- Ramani Ashtanga yoga primary Series practice Manual.
Technique Training & Practice:- Asana, pranayama bandha, Mudra, Kriyas / Cleansing processes Chanting, Mantra, Meditations & Lectures on Yoga Philosophy
Anatomy & Physiology;- Basic knowledge of various body systems. Functioning of various organs and other systems which are affected by yoga practices. Health benefits of yoga techniques, precautions / contraindications are covered in this lectures and also in practical Yoga
Yoga Teaching Methodology;- Includes session / lesson planning, injury prevention,alignment in yoga pose educational techniques to teach principles of Yoga, practicum in teaching yoga, understanding, correcting, assisting, encouraging, caring and guiding the progress of students in yoga. Program also includes ethical guidelines or ethics for Yoga teacher
Examination;- Practical Training, Theory Assignments on Anatomy & Physiology, Ashtanga Yoga, Teaching Methodology, Individual Education, Practical Lesson examination (Examination of Teaching Yoga)
Daily Schedule
Monday to Saturday(Every Sunday Holiday)
6.00am-7.00am group practice
7.00am-9.00am ashtanga yoga practice
9.00am-10.00am Breakfast break
10.30pm-11.300am theory
12.00pm-1.30pm Vinyasa /Asana sequencing
2.00pm-.2;30pm lunch
3.00pm-4:15pm self practice
4.30pm-8.30pm ashtanga yoga practice
8.30pm-9.00pm Dinner
Classes are subject to changes/additions to cover all subjects.
Some classes will be shared with the 100H TTC students as they are fundamental for the practice.
Asanas – Methodology -Adjustment & Vinyasa
This primary Ashtanga Yoga series asana list is preceded by the fundamental standing asanas (from Samasthiti to Savasana)
Surya namaskar-A
Surya namaskar-B
- Samasthiti
- Padangusthasana
- Padahasthasana
- Uttitha trikonasana
- Trikonasana
- Uttitha parsavakonasana
- Parsavakonasana
- Prasarita padottanasana -A
- Prasarita padottanasana- B
- Prasarita padottanasana- C
- Prasarita padottanasana -D
- Parsvottanasana
- Uttitha padangusthasana -A
- Uttitha padangusthasana-B
- Uttitha padangusthasana -C
- Uttitha padangusthasana -D
- Ardha baddha padmottasana
- Utkatasana
- Virabhadrasana-A
- Virabhadrasana-B
- Baddha padmasana
- Padmasana
- Tolasana
- Savasana
Deep Breathing, Fast Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anuloma Viloma), surya Bhedana (Right Nostril Breathing), Bhastrika (Bellow’s Breath), Bhramari (Humming Bee Pranayama),Ujjayi (Psychic Breath), Shitali, Sitkari (Cooling Pranayama).
- Jala Neti Kriya
- Sutra Neti Kriya
- Vastra Dhauthi Kriya
- Veepareetha Karani Mudra
- Aswini Mudra
- Yoga Mudra
- Shanmuki Mudra
- Maha Mudra
- Uddiyana Bhanda
- Moola Bhanda
- Jalendra Bhanda
- Maha Bhanda